# 5 December 2004
"This paper wishes to convey in the small the experience of a mutual collaboration between science and art and in the large the fruits of that collaboration, a mobile scoring synthesis system driven by global information input, both technically and artistically." Sound artist Art Clay reports about his project, GoingPublik, a collaboration with two scientists to develop a mobile real-time multimedia tool for music performers by using ideas of kinetic art . |
"...Within the greater context of media, new media is unique in many ways. Among the most significant, being its compressed and repetitive temporal qualities...." New media artist David Crawford discusses the works of three net artists (John Cabral, Mouchette and Mumbleboy) that "enable users to make successive investments deeper layers, with the initial layer being the lynchpin. " |

"Design is not only a matter of ideas and of the interplay of form and function. It is also a matter of technologies of representation, of specific machines and operations...." Annett Zinsmeister, professor of theory, architecture and design, takes us through a historical overview of the inter-relations between design tools and our thoughts from the Renaissance through the 20th century architecture to today's virtual world of "the Sims." |
"I am interested in identity as a dynamic rather than as a static concept, as a process and interpretation rather than as destiny or an essential given. I focus on the multiple, overlapping, fragmenting, dividing, hybridizing, merging and fusing elements of identity...." Jette Sandahl's thoughts over the issue of identity in our mobile and multi-cultural society and the question of curation for such national institutions as national museums and other art projects. |

"Nekojiru's twin heroes carry the simple, practical wisdom of Schultz' best creations along with them, usually closing strips with contented 'that's-the-way-things-are' observations and the promise of brighter days ahead. However... " Thom Bailey reports on high suicidal rates amongst manga artists in Japan and his observation over the social conditions where the "population simultaneously praises its manga as an inimitable cultural treasure, and damns it as a corruptor of traditional values." |
"Looking at this body of work at first glance one could easily come to the conclusion that Lee Welch really adores himself. He may even live in a house of mirrors to dwell within his narcissistic obsession. I would find both of these conclusions to be superficial...." Krystal Taylor reports on Lee Welch's exhibition (Ireland and UK) where, by using his portraits only, he investigates trace and perception of time. |
Hz Net Gallery presents a special feature on Han Hoogerbrugge and introduces here his 5 net works: Modern Living/Neurotica series, Flow, Spin, Hotel and Nails. |
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